
The Local Employment Planning Council is a local approach to workforce development and the planning/delivery of employment and training programs and services.

Having established various partnerships and joint community projects, it’s no wonder why the Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford Workforce Planning and Development Board (EMOWPDB) and Literacy Link South Central (LLSC) have partnered on the pilot project. Both the EMOWPDB and LLSC will help coordinate the efforts of the LEPC which was an 18-month project, launched by the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities, as part of their work to modernize employment and training programs. The LEPC will improve local labour market conditions by increasing the collection of and distribution of labour market information to drive innovative service delivery based on solid evidence. By harnessing the power of existing workforce committees, the project is positioned well to achieve its overall goal, which is to strengthen our local communities to address workforce development challenges and opportunities and to act as a key system feature for integrated employment and training services.

The Central Planning Table (CPT), comprised of employers, service providers, and government representatives, will act as the key decision makers as the project moves forward. At the CPT sit individuals from each locally-driven workforce development committee (Elgin, Middlesex, London and Oxford) and members from each of the five additional working groups which include a Francophone working group, Inter-governmental, Labour Market Information Committee, and a Service Provider Working Group. As partners leading the project, the Secretariat (EMOWPDB and LLSC) will help support all the committees and employer engagement.